PA Culture

Remote work through the eyes of a PA

Author:  María José Núñez 

It is well known that we find ourselves in the era of remote work. If there is one thing that the COVID 19 pandemic has given us, it is, without a doubt, working from home. However, in the world of the Personal Angel, what has been a new concept in many cases, has been the reality for most PAs for a long time. In fact, PAs almost always work remotely, that is to say, without seeing the client. It’s a fact: Personal Angels are constantly teleworking. Read on to find out how and why…

(Sigue en Español)

PAs can do 70% of their daily work from anywhere, without the need to be ‘in situ’, except for when they need to visit private homes or villas. However, the majority of PAs prefer to work remotely, constantly using their phones or laptops and always carrying their passport, just in case. PAs are like satellites, constantly rotating.

So why does a PA work like this? A Personal Angel works based on results, rather than focusing on a set schedule or occupying (or perhaps, better said, warming) a chair in the office.  It doesn’t matter where they live, or where they are. Nor does it matter where the client is.  A Personal Angel’s commitment is, and will always be, to resolve thing – actions, requests, missions, etc.  This can be done perfectly from home, or a desk, or a boat. The range of possibilities is endless, as long as the work is done to perfection, of course.  In fact, it is one of the key factors that sets a good PA apart from the rest: the efficiency with which they execute their tasks, coordinating and organising themselves, whether or not they have their boss in front of them. They know the time at which they work best, they understand what their capabilities are and, therefore, they know how to give the best of themselves.

“PAs can do 70% of their daily work from anywhere, without the need to be ‘in situ’”

All of this brings us to our final reflection… What is the most important factor in deciding whether or not a PA’s (or any other professional’s) work is excellent?  The results obtained, of course! Based on this, we can therefore present the following considerations:

  • The Personal Angel is a professional who is an expert in manage unknown lives. Before doing this, they of course need to know how to organize their own lives. Based on this, they know how to organize themselves, and consequently do their job, wherever they may be.
  • The physical location that a PA works from does not matter. The important thing is how they do it and ensuring that they get results in a timely manner.
  • Being a PA involves a whole range of tasks. It is a not a profession that simply requires a computer, an office and a client. PAs have multidisciplinary skills (reminding us of the 137 skills of the Personal Angel), and face varied situations that come about when you are constantly restructuring and putting together pieces of the puzzle that is a client’s ‘lifestyle’.

In conclusion, remote work through the eyes of a Personal Angel is based on one core value: responsibility. Responsibility together with making sure that work is done well, that everything flows without the necessity of always being physically there.

With the arrival of the public health situation in which we found ourselves immersed in 2020, the Personal Angel has had to further improve the way they obtain results when working remotely, as well as how to find balance and harmony between their personal and professional lives – solving complex problems from the peace of their own home, carrying out requests from the client and keeping their agendas organized, always showing the same efficiency, energy and aptitude as if  the client were by their side.

As Antoine de Sant-Exupéry says in The Little Prince: ‘the essential is invisible to the eye”. It may be that the Personal Angel is not always visible to the client but the result of their work is just the same – or even better! The world is too big to only work in an office – trapped between four walls, eternally. The universe is infinite, and the Angels omnipresent.

Copyright © by Alberta La Grup

If you wish to re-print this article or photos, that’s fine.
Just include the biography at the end of the article. Thank you!

Photo Credits: Pexels
Translation: Emily Benton

El trabajo en remoto desde la óptica del PA

Autora: María José Núñez | Barcelona, Setiembre 2021

Es bien sabido por todos que nos encontramos ante la era del teletrabajo. Si algo ha traído la pandemia mundial de COVID 19 esto ha sido, sin lugar a dudas, el trabajo en remoto. Sin embargo, en el universo de los Personal Angel este concepto que para muchos resulta ser una novedad, para los PA es una realidad desde hace muchísimo tiempo. De hecho, podríamos asegurar que casi siempre realizan su trabajo en remoto, es decir, sin ver al cliente. Sí, los Ángeles Personales teletrabajan constantemente. Y a continuación, te explicamos cómo y por qué…

Los PA efectuan un 70% de sus funciones desde cualquier lugar, sin necesidad de estar ‘in situ’, excepto cuando toca estar en las villas o residencias. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de la profesión del PA se desarrolla teletrabajando, constantemente, con sus teléfonos móviles y sus portátiles, siempre con el pasasporte en el bolso y como en un satélite: revoloteando.

¿Por qué el PA trabaja así? Porque el Personal Angel trabaja en base a resultados, no a un horario establecido ni a ocupar (y calentar, dicho sea de paso) un asiento en la oficina. No importa el lugar donde resida o esté, ni dónde su cliente pues el cometido del Personal Angel es y será siempre resolver cosas: acciones, peticiones, misiones, etcétera. Y esto se lleva a cabo desde su casa, un despacho o un barco. El abanico de posibilidades es infinito mientras, por supuesto, el trabajo esté perfectamente realizado. De hecho, es una de las claves que marcarán la diferencia de un buen PA respecto a otros: la eficacia con que ejecute todo lo que se requiere de él/ella, coordinándose y organizándose, independientemente de si tiene o no tiene a su jefe delante. Conoce cuáles son sus tiempos, sus capacidades y la manera en que puede dar lo mejor de sí mismo.

“Los PA efectuan un 70% de sus funciones desde cualquier lugar, sin necesidad de estar ‘in situ’”

Todo ello nos lleva a la reflexión final… ¿Qué es lo más importante a la hora de calificar el trabajo de PA (y el de cualquier otro trabajo) como excelente?

Obviamente, en los resultados obtenidos. Por lo tanto, esto último nos dirige a las siguientes consideraciones:

  • El Personal Angel es un profesional experto en gestionar vidas ajenas. Y previamente, ha de saber tramitar la vida propia. Por lo tanto, sabe organizarse y realizar su trabajo, esté donde esté.
  • No importa el lugar físico dónde permanezca el PA cuando trabaja. Importa cómo lo realice y que lo ejecute en los tiempos adecuados.
  • El PA abarca muchos campos. No se trata de una profesión con la que baste con un ordenador, tu oficina y un cliente. Son conocedores de muchas materias (recordemos las 137 habilidades del Personal Angel), están en diversos frentes, estructuran y componen un puzzle: el ‘lifestyle’ del cliente para el que han sido contratados.

Conclusión tras los anteriores fundamentos: el teletrabajo desde la óptica del Personal Angel va a basarse en un pilar fundamental: la responsabilidad… La responsabilidad unida a garantizar el buen ejercicio de su deber, donde todo fluya y sin la obligación de comparecer en todo momento.

Con la situación sanitaria en la que estamos inmersos de 2020, el Personal Angel ha tenido que mejorar aún más su rendimiento trabajando en remoto, armonizando su vida personal con la laboral, solventando situaciones complicadas desde la tranquilidad de su hogar, haciendo trámites para su cliente y organizando su agenda, demostrando la misma efectividad, energía y aptitudes que si estuviera a su lado presencialmente.

Porque como decía Antoine de Sant-Exupéry en El Principito: “lo esencial es invisible a los ojos”. Y puede que el Personal Angel no esté visible todo el tiempo para el cliente, pero el fruto (su trabajo) es el mismo, ¡o incluso, mejor! Porque el mundo es demasiado grande como para trabajar únicamente en un estudio -bajo cuatro paredes- eternamente; el universo, infinito y los ‘Ángeles’… omnipresentes.

Todos los derechos reservados ©by Alberta La Grup

Si quieres publicar este artículo o fotografía, está bien. Sólo debes incluir la biografía, autor y esta información sobre los derechos. Gracias.

Créditos fotografía: Pexels
Traducción: Emily Benton

  • PA Culture

    PA Culture is an e-Magazine created by Alberta La Grup and The Lifestyle Institute in their desire to give a voice to the culture of Lifestyle Management and the profession of Personal Angel, as well as everything that happens around their field of work. Our aim is to raise awareness of the figure of the Personal Angel (PA) as a professional expert in lifestyle management, working for the elite and with a combination of multiple skills and abilities brought together in the same person.


    Through our articles, interviews, news and reflections, we will highlight the different points of view of the people who make up this universe: their training, experience, curiosities, employment opportunities, community and guidance, their roles and different perspectives. Join us and get ready to fly... always high!


    In this space you will find interviews and reflections from our professional team: from the faculty members of The Lifestyle Institute's Postgraduate Course to our team of Personal Angels from Alberta la Grup and the rest of the workers that make up this complete puzzle in which everything fits together perfectly.

  • PA’s WORLD

    Luxury, lifestyle, curiosities... In this section you will find news about the world of lifestyle management and the companies that work around this world. Everything that surrounds the PA universe.



    Founder: Lourdes Carbó

    Editorial Coordinator: Maria José Núnez Garrido

    Emily Benton (Translation)
    Elena Castelló (Editing)
    Claudia Schmidt (Art & Design)