PA Culture

Why should you do your Postgraduate Training at The Lifestyle Institute?

From various perspectives



Becoming trained in lifestyle management and personal assistance is both the present and the future. We are moving towards a world in which managing time, or better said, having the power to control what you do with it, is a real luxury. Luckily, it’s a luxury that more and more people have access to. This is happening for several reasons: people are more conscious about the passing of time and the importance of spending it in a way that makes life easier, more pleasant and adapted to your needs, capabilities and resources. This goes to show that not only do people need someone to manage their corporate issues, but also those that exist in their private and personal lives, as well as help with managing tasks for their family…

(Sigue en español)


Author: María José Núñez


…And now, let’s talk about you. You also find yourself in a moment of change and transformation and you start to think about what you want to do with your time, professionally-speaking, over the next few years. We suggest that you talk to your company about the option of taking the Postgraduate Course at The Lifestyle Institute.


To start, we are going to take a look at the three profiles that you may identify with:

-You are just getting started in your professional life and after studying the range of possibilities that you have before you, you see Lifestyle Management as a great stepping-stone towards something that you want to achieve.

– Up until now, your profession has been centred around corporate assistance and you would like to try something similar in a private setting. You have the skills and experience, but you are missing the academic training.

– You started working as a nanny and realised you could grow in the private management sector if you took the right training to do so.


… And now, to address anyone who identifies with any of the above cases or those who maybe find themselves in a different position: that of someone who not only needs employees who can handle the corporate administrative tasks in their company, but who could also help them manage their family and personal tasks, as well as anything else that they don’t have time to do due to their complex lifestyle.

Do you need someone who can spread their wings and make sure you are covered in those situations that you can’t attend to yourself? Someone who is not only present but also a leader and focuses on all those things that are important to you and makes sure that everything flows in an efficient and (almost) perfect way. This person could be a trusted employee in your company who is trained in private household management, and who can therefore take care of your personal projects in an optimal way, just as they have with your corporate and professional matters up until now.

So what do you need to do to get a Personal Angel who can save you time so you can spend it on the things you really need to? If you are an entrepreneur who wants to offer private household management training in your company, or if you are someone who sees the Personal Angel profession as a great option for your future, get ready to take flight because the Postgraduate Course for you is this one: Postgraduate – The Lifestyle Institute® …  Never stop learning!


Copyright ©by Alberta La Grup
If you wish to re-print this article or photos, that’s fine. Just include the biography at the end of the article. Thank you!
Translation: Emily Benton

¿Por qué formarse en el Postgrado de The Lifestyle Institute?


Visto desde varias perspectivas


Formarse en la gestión y asistencia privada es el presente y el futuro. Vamos hacia un mundo donde administrar el tiempo, o dicho de otro modo, tener el poder de controlar lo que haces con éste, es un lujo. Pero un lujo que, afortunadamente, ya cada vez más personas se pueden permitir. Y ello sucede por varias razones: eres más consciente del paso del tiempo y de la importancia de orientarlo de la manera que te haga la vida más fácil, placentera y moldeable a tus gustos, capacidades y recursos. Asimismo, ello te hace ver que no solo necesitas a alguien que conduzca los asuntos corporativos de tu empresa, sino también los personales y privados, y además, a ayudarte con tus gestiones familiares…


Autora:  María José Núñez


… Y ahora nos dirigimos a ti, que también te encuentras en una situación de cambio y transformación y que quieres saber qué vas a hacer con tu tiempo en los próximos años profesionalmente hablando. Te proponemos cómo plantearle a tu empresa la opción de que realices un Postgrado en The Lifestyle Institute.



Para comenzar, vamos a perfilar los tres perfiles en los que puedes sentirte identificado:


-Estás en el inicio de tu vida laboral y, tras estudiar el abanico de posibilidades que se presenta ante ti, ves en el lifestyle management, un buen trampolín hacia lo que quieres conseguir.

-Tu profesión ha ido orientada hasta el momento a la asistencia en el ámbito corporativo y quieres probar en la asistencia privada. Tienes las cualidades y la experiencia pero te falta la formación académica.

-Empezaste en un trabajo como nanny y viste que podías asentarte en la gestión privada formándote como tal.


…Y ahora nos dirigimos tanto a quienes nos situáis en cualquiera de estos tres casos o quienes estáis en otra posición: la de alguien que no solo necesita trabajadores que asistan los asuntos corporativos de su empresa, sino a alguien que pueda ayudarte a gestionar tu familia, tus asuntos personales y todas aquellas funciones para las que, sencillamente no dispones de tiempo porque tu vida es compleja.


Requieres de alguien que sea portador/a de unas enormes alas para que te cubra en esas situaciones en las que no puedas estar; esa persona que no solo asista sino que lidere, que enfoque todos las acciones primordiales para ti y para que todo fluya de manera eficaz y (casi) perfecta en tus quehaceres diarios. Y esa persona puede ser algún trabajador de confianza en tu empresa que se forme en gestión privada, de manera que lleve de modo óptimo tus proyectos y propósitos, propios e individuales, tal y como ha desarrollado hasta ahora los corporativos y laborales.


¿Y cuál es el procedimiento para contar con ese Ángel Personal que puede resolver tu perspectiva acerca del tiempo y orientarlo al rumbo que precisas? Si eres empresario, ofreciendo en tu compañía formación en gestión privada. Y si estás en la posición de quien ve la profesión de Personal Angel como una buena elección para tu futuro, ya puedes ir preparándote para levantar el vuelo porque tu Postgrado es éste: Postgraduate – The Lifestyle Institute® …  Never stop learning!


Todos los derechos reservados ©by Alberta La Grup
Si quieres publicar este artículo o fotografía, está bien. Sólo debes incluir la biografía, autor y esta información sobre los derechos. Gracias.
Traducción: Emily Benton
  • PA Culture

    PA Culture is an e-Magazine created by Alberta La Grup and The Lifestyle Institute in their desire to give a voice to the culture of Lifestyle Management and the profession of Personal Angel, as well as everything that happens around their field of work. Our aim is to raise awareness of the figure of the Personal Angel (PA) as a professional expert in lifestyle management, working for the elite and with a combination of multiple skills and abilities brought together in the same person.


    Through our articles, interviews, news and reflections, we will highlight the different points of view of the people who make up this universe: their training, experience, curiosities, employment opportunities, community and guidance, their roles and different perspectives. Join us and get ready to fly... always high!


    In this space you will find interviews and reflections from our professional team: from the faculty members of The Lifestyle Institute's Postgraduate Course to our team of Personal Angels from Alberta la Grup and the rest of the workers that make up this complete puzzle in which everything fits together perfectly.

  • PA’s WORLD

    Luxury, lifestyle, curiosities... In this section you will find news about the world of lifestyle management and the companies that work around this world. Everything that surrounds the PA universe.



    Founder: Lourdes Carbó

    Editorial Coordinator: Maria José Núnez Garrido

    Emily Benton (Translation)
    Elena Castelló (Editing)
    Claudia Schmidt (Art & Design)