PA Culture

The essence of discretion

Discretion, trust, confidentiality, excellence, proactivity, know-how, enrichment and honesty… These are the keys to our work…

Author: María José Núñez


“Try to be so discreet that you do not hurry the thoughts of others, nor want to know more about anyone than what he wants to tell you”

(Miguel de Cervantes)


We believe that the most important work is behind the scenes... This is how we present the ‘soul’ (so to speak) of our discretion.

By this, we are not saying that the profession of an actor or dancer is less important than that of the director of a play… First of all, because we are not speaking literally. We are referring to the Personal Angels and Concierge, our main figures (or main characters, since we are using the language of the performing arts). However, although we use the figurative meaning, it can be extrapolated to any other profession because, regardless of what is shown to the public (numerous or face-to-face), the real effort is not seen. It is behind: in the artists, in all the previous training to produce the final perfection that can be observed by all; in the case of the Personal Angels/Concierge, in an efficient, excellent and proactive care of the client’s needs without the client noticing it, passing almost on tiptoe?


The result: we may not be the protagonists of the life we are managing, but we do pull the strings so that everything fits together perfectly. You could say that we are like artistic directors, set designers, make-up artists, even scriptwriters of the day-to-day life of those who count on us for it… all in one.


The RAE defines discretion as the wisdom to form a judgement and tact in speaking or acting… We must dwell on this explanation in order to give the verb ‘to judge’ the importance it deserves in the exercise of working with discretion. The basis, for us, is to leave judgement aside; to gently withdraw it to the background in order to focus on tact and caution, so as not to be hasty, and to act and act according -only- to what we really need to do. And we reiterate, without judgement, but always with discernment and sanity, it is understood …

The essence of our work will be in the resolution of requests, more or less complicated, but always from invisibility (we are earthly guardian angels), without attracting attention but always anticipating the requirements (often imperceptible) of the client.


“Responsibility can be transmitted, but not the discretion that accompanies it”

(Benvenuto Cellini)


Photo Credits: Unsplash
Translation: Emily Benton




La esencia de la discreción


Discreción, confianza, confidencialidad, excelencia, proactividad, saber hacer, enriquecimiento y honestidad… Son las claves de nuestro trabajo. Algo así como la quinta esencia del servicio…


Autora: María José Núñez


“Procura ser tan discreto, que no apures los pensamientos ajenos, ni quieras saber más de nadie que aquello que quisiere decirte” (Miguel de Cervantes)


Creemos que los trabajos más importantes están entre bastidores… Así es como presentamos el ‘alma’ (por así decirlo) de nuestra discreción.

Con ello, no estamos diciendo que la profesión de un actor o bailarín sea menos importante que la del director de una obra de teatro… Primero, porque no estamos hablando en sentido literal. Nos referimos a los Personal Angels y Concierge, nuestras principales figuras (o personajes principales, ya que estamos empleando el lenguaje de las artes escénicas). No obstante, aunque utilicemos el significado figurado, es extrapolable a cualquier otro oficio pues, independientemente de que lo que se muestre al público (numeroso o de tú a tú), el verdadero esfuerzo no se ve. Está detrás: en los artistas, en todo el entrenamiento previo para que se produzca la perfección final que pueda ser observada por todos; en el caso de los Personal Angels/Concierge, en un cuidado eficaz, excelente y proactivo de las necesidades del cliente sin que este se dé cuenta, pasando casi de puntillas…

Resultado: puede que no seamos protagonistas de la vida que estamos gestionando pero sí movemos los hilos para que todo encaje a la perfección. Se podría decir que somos como los directores artísticos, escenógrafos, maquilladores, incluso guionistas de la vida del día a día de quien cuenta con nosotros para ello… todo en uno.


La RAE define la discreción como la sensatez para formar juicio y tacto para hablar u obrar… En dicha explicación nos tenemos que detener, con el fin de darle la importancia que se merece al verbo ‘juzgar’ en el ejercicio de trabajar la discreción. Y es que la base, para nosotros, está en dejar el juicio al margen; retirarlo suavemente a un segundo plano para enfocar el tiento y la cautela, para no precipitarnos, y obrar y actuar en función -únicamente- de lo que verdaderamente precisemos que es necesario. Y reiteramos, exento de juicios, pero siempre con discernimiento y cordura, se sobre entiende…

Para no ponernos más abstractos terminaremos con claros ejemplos… La esencia de nuestro trabajo estará en la resolución de peticiones, más o menos complicadas, pero siempre desde la invisibilidad (somos ángeles de la guarda terrenales), sin apenas llamar la atención pero siempre anticipándonos a los requerimientos (en muchas ocasiones, imperceptibles) del cliente.


“Se puede transmitir la responsabilidad, pero no la discreción que la acompaña” (Benvenuto Cellini)


Foto: Unsplash
Traducción: Emily Benton




  • PA Culture

    PA Culture is an e-Magazine created by Alberta La Grup and The Lifestyle Institute in their desire to give a voice to the culture of Lifestyle Management and the profession of Personal Angel, as well as everything that happens around their field of work. Our aim is to raise awareness of the figure of the Personal Angel (PA) as a professional expert in lifestyle management, working for the elite and with a combination of multiple skills and abilities brought together in the same person.


    Through our articles, interviews, news and reflections, we will highlight the different points of view of the people who make up this universe: their training, experience, curiosities, employment opportunities, community and guidance, their roles and different perspectives. Join us and get ready to fly... always high!


    In this space you will find interviews and reflections from our professional team: from the faculty members of The Lifestyle Institute's Postgraduate Course to our team of Personal Angels from Alberta la Grup and the rest of the workers that make up this complete puzzle in which everything fits together perfectly.

  • PA’s WORLD

    Luxury, lifestyle, curiosities... In this section you will find news about the world of lifestyle management and the companies that work around this world. Everything that surrounds the PA universe.



    Founder: Lourdes Carbó

    Editorial Coordinator: Maria José Núnez Garrido

    Emily Benton (Translation)
    Elena Castelló (Editing)
    Claudia Schmidt (Art & Design)