PA Culture

Why have only one vocation when you can have several? Why should it be only one and not two or three…or as many as we want?!

Editorial The Lifestyle Institute | Author: María José Núñez | April 2022

It is almost certain that you too have been told since you were a small child that you absolutely have to find your calling in life. Whether that was based on an area you were gifted in, a hobby you were passionate about or one, and only one, of the many things that make you unique that should define your professional and personal life throughout your entire existence.  Let me go back to the phrase “only one” and allow me to focus on this particular concept… Why should it be only one and not two or three…or as many as we want?! In general, being multitalented calls for praise, but for some reason, within the context of professional careers, until a few years ago, not focusing on one career in particular demonstrated that you were unclear about you future, your projects and the goals you wanted to achieve. Fortunately, this is changing little by little and we are opening our minds to the idea of attracting new opportunities and challenges… And why not? Let your other vocations flow and break that glass ceiling…

(Sigue en español)

…. And, at the root of this idea, we would like to bring you to reflect upon this concept within the Personal Angel profession. The case may be the following: You have an incredible aptitude for languages and you therefore decide to study Tourism, which is perhaps what appeals to you most with regards to your aptitudes, way of being, way of working with others and, of course, hyperbolically-speaking, what you were born to do… Years later, working in the industry you like the most, you still somehow can’t see beyond the horizon. Maybe this is because it isn’t exactly what you had imagined, or, more simply, you just feel like you could give more. Or perhaps it is because this is not your only vocation and you’ve realised that you have others too. These don’t even have to be “vocations” necessarily; they could also be preferences, inclinations, predispositions…


“They say that all roads lead to Rome. Perhaps we can also extrapolate this into academic life. All professional pathways can also lead to another”


What happens after? Perhaps you do nothing and let your career path lead you to explore new avenues. Or maybe you start to see that we live in a world full of endless possibilities. There is not only one path to follow, but rather there are several, including diversions along the way. When you were 18 you decided to become a journalist, architect, chemist, nanny, psychologist or Tourism graduate but now your know yourself better. This can lead you to explore other itineraries – investigating them, releasing them and surprising yourself along the way. This is what is happening in the training throughout the Postgraduate Course at The Lifestyle Institute… Students from backgrounds as diverse as Law, Executive Assistants, Air Stewards… All of them have a place in our Institute. Our students all come from different places, occupations, cultures and backgrounds.

They say that all roads lead to Rome. Perhaps we can also extrapolate this into academic life. All professional pathways can also lead to another. Our hobbies, tastes and skills (not necessarily gifts) can lead us to work in an area that we truly like and that makes us happy at a certain point in our lives, or simply complements the knowledge we already have and is therefore more enriching and could be useful in the near or distant future – only time will tell.

But let’s not end with time being the one to close this discussion on having one or more vocations, but rather you who asks yourself the following: Do you think we have more than one vocation? Perhaps if we had wings we wouldn’t have to choose between two or three paths to follow, but rather we could fly wherever the wind took us…

Copyright ©by Alberta La Grup

If you wish to re-print this article or photos, that’s fine. Just include the biography at the end of the article. Thank you!

Photo Credits: Pixabay
Translation: Emily Benton

¿Por qué tener una vocación si se pueden tener varias?

Autora:  María José Núñez | Barcelona, Abril 2022

Seguro que a ti también te han dicho, desde la más tierna infancia, que has de encontrar tu vocación. Ya fuera basada en un don que tuvieras, una fuerte afición, o en definitiva, una razón de ser única -solo una- que enfocaría tu vida laboral y personal durante toda tu existencia. Pues regreso a la frase “solo una” para centrarme en esta idea… ¿¡Por qué una y no dos, o tres… o las que sean!? Generalmente, ser polifacético está muy bien visto, pero en cuestión de la proyección profesional de uno mismo, hasta hace unos años parecía que, si no ponías ‘focus’ en una carrera concreta, no tenías claridad sobre tu futuro, tus proyectos y tus objetivos a alcanzar. Afortunadamente, poco a poco esto está cambiando y abrimos la mente porque ello significa atraer nuevas oportunidades, nuevos retos… ¿Y por qué no? Dejar que fluyan otras vocaciones que hay en ti y romper ese techo de cristal….

… Y a raíz de esta idea queremos hacer un llamamiento a reflexionar en torno a la profesión de Personal Angel. Tu caso puede ser éste: tienes una estupenda habilidad para los idiomas, y decides estudiar, por ello, Turismo, que es, quizás, aquello que más te atrae conforme a tus aptitudes, a tu manera de ser, de relacionarte, y por supuesto, aquello para lo que -por decirlo de un modo ‘hiperbólico- has nacido… Años después, trabajas en lo que más te gusta, pero no llegas a ver el horizonte porque no es como te habías imaginado, o simplemente, porque piensas que puedes dar más o, sencillamente, porque no es ésta tu única vocación sino que evolucionas y te das cuenta de que tienes otras; y que no necesariamente han de ser “vocaciones”, sino más bien: preferencias, inclinaciones, predisposiciones…


“Dicen que todos los caminos llevan a Roma.  Lo podríamos extrapolar a la vida académica. Todo recorrido laboral lleva a otro”


¿Qué pasa después? Puede que no hagas nada y te dejes llevar hasta que tu trayectoria profesional te conduzca a nuevos senderos. O puede que comiences a ver que vivimos en un mundo lleno de posibilidades. Que no hay un camino, sino varios…  Y que incluso haya bifurcaciones (y se complementen). Que cuando tenías 18 años elegiste ser periodista, arquitecto, químico, nanny, psicólogo o graduado en Turismo, pero ahora te conoces más y mejor. Y quieres explorar otros itinerarios, investigarlos, destaparlos y sorprenderte, si cabe. Ello está ocurriendo con el Postgrado de formación de PAs de The Lifestyle Institute. Profesiones tan dispares como Derecho, Executive Assistants, Auxiliares de Vuelo… Todas ellas se pueden dar cita en nuestra institución. Nuestros alumnos vienen de lugares diferentes, al igual que de ocupaciones, culturas y cometidos distintos.


Dicen que todos los caminos llevan a Roma… Lo podríamos extrapolar a la vida académica. Todo recorrido laboral puede conducir a otro. Y nuestras aficiones, gustos y habilidades (que no necesariamente nuestros dones) nos pueden llevar a dedicarnos a lo que realmente nos gusta, nos hace felices en un determinado momento de nuestra vida o, simplemente, complementa lo que ya sabíamos, otorgando un mayor enriquecimiento personal que nos puede útil en un futuro próximo o a largo plazo… El tiempo lo dirá.


“La profesionalidad y preparación te hacen cumplir con tu responsabilidad. Pero la vocación te hace continuar, a pesar de todo”


Pero no dejaremos que el tiempo sea quién cierre esta disquisición sobre tener una o más vocaciones sino que seas tú quién se haga esta pregunta: ¿piensas que todos tenemos más de una vocación? Tal vez si tuviéramos alas no tendríamos que escoger entre dos o tres caminos, sino que podríamos emprender el vuelo donde nos llevara el viento…


Todos los derechos reservados ©by Alberta La Grup

Si quieres publicar este artículo o fotografía, está bien. Sólo debes incluir la biografía, autor y esta información sobre los derechos. Gracias.

Crédito de fotos: Pixabay
Traducción: Emily Benton

  • PA Culture

    PA Culture is an e-Magazine created by Alberta La Grup and The Lifestyle Institute in their desire to give a voice to the culture of Lifestyle Management and the profession of Personal Angel, as well as everything that happens around their field of work. Our aim is to raise awareness of the figure of the Personal Angel (PA) as a professional expert in lifestyle management, working for the elite and with a combination of multiple skills and abilities brought together in the same person.


    Through our articles, interviews, news and reflections, we will highlight the different points of view of the people who make up this universe: their training, experience, curiosities, employment opportunities, community and guidance, their roles and different perspectives. Join us and get ready to fly... always high!


    In this space you will find interviews and reflections from our professional team: from the faculty members of The Lifestyle Institute's Postgraduate Course to our team of Personal Angels from Alberta la Grup and the rest of the workers that make up this complete puzzle in which everything fits together perfectly.

  • PA’s WORLD

    Luxury, lifestyle, curiosities... In this section you will find news about the world of lifestyle management and the companies that work around this world. Everything that surrounds the PA universe.



    Founder: Lourdes Carbó

    Editorial Coordinator: Maria José Núnez Garrido

    Emily Benton (Translation)
    Elena Castelló (Editing)
    Claudia Schmidt (Art & Design)