PA Culture

What is the origin of the Personal Angel?

Editorial The Lifestyle Institute | Author: María José Núñez | May 2021

If we get nostalgic and decide to refer to the most primitive and basic origin of Personal Assistance, we can go directly to those who cared for the kings of the monarchies of antiquity, those who held power, who invented the concept of luxury and, in addition, who relied on figures of lower social rank than their own but of considerable aristocratic lineage. Therefore, these Personal Angels of past centuries had access to culture and enjoyed exquisite refinement and education. And for that reason, they had the trust of the sovereign and they, in turn, gave him their unconditional loyalty.

And to observe a clear and historical example of this, we can refer to the painting of Las Meninas, by Velázquez, where the royal family of the seventeenth century is depicted, that is, the Infanta Margarita -daughter of Felipe IV-surrounded by her ‘meninas’, girls members of the nobility who entered the court to assist the queen and / or her children. The monarchs appear in the background as a reflection in a mirror, but the famous painting focuses on the Infanta, and we can say that the there is a glimpse of importance of her bond with her ‘personal assistants’, a concept that at that time was not known as such but that we could extrapolate its function to current Personal Angel.

‘Meninas’ aside, finding the origin of personal assistance as we know it now is an arduous, complex task, and we could even call it… complicated. Perhaps it is the confluence of factors such as social, economic and cultural transformations, which have been shaping and drawing this role. First, it was the monarchy, specifically the European queens, who had escort ladies whose responsibilities were aimed at being confidants of the sovereign, accompanying her on her travels or, simply, being her right hand, following them with fidelity and honesty. After all, it was truly an honor to serve an empress. And only the best and excellently prepared were chosen for it.

But we can see the root of the PA not only in the chamber maids or bridesmaids. In general, it was normal and natural for royalty to have subjects in their charge who were an extension of them; people who anticipated their requests and requirements before they announced them; individuals who accompany them, to feel supported, encouraged and backed up, taking into account the endless commitments and commitments that a being of high rank such as the crown had.

In addition, as we pointed out, times change, and luxury and ostentation were becoming a notion and expression that was within the reach of a few … of very few; And there come various variants of personal assistance that we know today and from which some small ‘branches’ can be extracted to shape what we know today as ‘angels of the 21st century’.

We have seen hints of the Personal Angel of the future in some of the designs of the personal secretaries of a company, in the butlers, in those who assist athletes, celebrities, millionaires …

Little by little, the identity of this profession that combines many of these services while others move away, providing a more personal, confidential and private aspect, beyond the client’s work ‘perimeter’. 

For this reason, we can dogmatize – with the permission of this very serious word – that we obtain the ‘silhouette’ of our PA by merging all the priorities of contemporary lifestyle, such as the prevalence of well-being, the the achievement of our own dreams and the acquired ostentation in the experiences after the result of the bond with the person for whom we work, becoming an extension of themselves, making their life simpler, making the complex simple, and the inaccessible, not only achievable but proximate, close and immediate.

Conclusion behind this pseudo-chronology? That having a Personal Angel is not a symbol of expression of luxury and opulence as it could have been at another time in history, but it is  something more intimate such as the power to take charge of your own lifestyle. Because despite having been slow to realize it, time is the real luxury.

¿Cuál es el origen del Personal Angel?

Si nos ponemos nostálgicos y queremos remitirnos al origen más primitivo y básico de la Asistencia Personal podemos ir directamente a quienes atendían a los reyes de las monarquías de la antigüedad, que eran quienes ostentaban el poder, quienes inventaron el concepto del lujo y, además, se apoyaban en figuras de menor rango social al suyo pero de considerable linaje aristocrático. Por lo tanto, estos Personal Angels de siglos pasados tenían acceso a la cultura y gozaban de un refinamiento y formación exquisitos. Y por ello, contaba con la confianza del soberano y éste, a su vez, le otorgaba su incondicional lealtad.

Y para observar un claro e histórico ejemplo de ello, podemos remitirnos al cuadro de Las Meninas, de Velázquez, donde aparece la familia real del siglo XVII, es decir, la infanta Margarita -hija de Felipe IV-rodeada por sus ‘meninas’, que eran unas niñas miembros de la nobleza que entraban en la corte a asistir a la reina y/o los hijos de ésta. Los monarcas aparecían al fondo reflejados en un espejo, pero el famoso cuadro se enfoca la Infanta, y podemos decir que se vislumbra la importancia del vínculo de ésta con sus ‘asistentes personales’, concepto que en ese momento no se conocía como tal pero que podríamos extrapolar su función al de los Personal Angel actuales.

‘Meninas’ aparte, encontrar la procedencia de la asistencia personal tal y como la conocemos ahora, es una tarea ardua, compleja, e incluso podríamos denominar… complicada. Quizás sea la confluencia de factores como las transformaciones sociales, económicas y culturales, lo que haya ido perfilando y dibujando este rol. Primero, fue la monarquía, concretamente las reinas europeas, quienes contaban con damas de compañía cuyas responsabilidades iban encaminadas a ser confidentes de la soberana, acompañarla en sus viajes o, sencillamente, a ser su mano derecha, siguiéndolas con fidelidad y honradez. Al fin y al cabo, era un auténtico honor servir a una emperatriz. Y sólo las mejores y excelentemente preparadas, eran elegidas para ello.

Pero no sólo en las damas de cámara o damas de honor vemos la raíz del PA. En general, para la realeza era algo habitual y natural contar con sujetos a su cargo que fueran una extensión de ellos; personas que anticiparan sus solicitudes y requerimientos antes de que ellos llegaran a comunicarlos; individuos que les acompañaran, para sentirse respaldados, alentados y secundados, teniendo en cuenta el sinfín de compromisos y cometidos que tenía un ser de alto rango como la corona.

Asimismo, tal y como apuntábamos, los tiempos cambian, y el lujo y la ostentación fueron convirtiéndose en una noción y expresión que quedaba al alcance de unos pocos… de muy pocos; y ahí entran las diversas variantes de asistencia personal que conocemos hoy en día y de la que se pueden extraer algunas pequeñas ‘ramas’ que van conformando lo que conocemos en la actualidad como ‘ángeles del siglo XXI’.

Hemos visto pinceladas del Personal Angel del futuro en algunas de los designios de los secretarios personales de una empresa, en los mayordomos, en quienes asisten a deportistas, celebrities, millonarios…

Poco a poco, se ha ido formando la identidad de esta profesión que aúna muchos de estos servicios y, de otros, se aleja, aportando un cariz más personal, confidencial y privado, más allá del ‘perímetro’ laboral del cliente. 

Por ello, podemos dogmatizar -con permiso de este vocablo tan serio- que obtenemos la ‘silueta’ de nuestro PA fusionando todas las prioridades del lifestyle contemporáneo, como la preponderancia del bienestar, el éxito de la consecución de los propios sueños y la ostentación adquirida en las experiencias tras el resultado del nexo de unión con la persona para la que trabajamos, pasando a ser una prolongación de ellos mismos, haciéndoles la vida más sencilla tornando lo complejo en simple, y lo inaccesible, no sólo en alcanzable sino próximo, cercano e inmediato.

¿Conclusión tras esta pseudo-cronología?  Que disponer de un Personal Angel no es un símbolo de expresión de lujo y opulencia como pudo haberlo sido en otro momento de la historia, sino algo más íntimo como es el poder de tomar las riendas de tu propio estilo de vida. Porque a pesar de haber tardado en darnos cuenta, el tiempo es el verdadero lujo.

  • PA Culture

    PA Culture is an e-Magazine created by Alberta La Grup and The Lifestyle Institute in their desire to give a voice to the culture of Lifestyle Management and the profession of Personal Angel, as well as everything that happens around their field of work. Our aim is to raise awareness of the figure of the Personal Angel (PA) as a professional expert in lifestyle management, working for the elite and with a combination of multiple skills and abilities brought together in the same person.


    Through our articles, interviews, news and reflections, we will highlight the different points of view of the people who make up this universe: their training, experience, curiosities, employment opportunities, community and guidance, their roles and different perspectives. Join us and get ready to fly... always high!


    In this space you will find interviews and reflections from our professional team: from the faculty members of The Lifestyle Institute's Postgraduate Course to our team of Personal Angels from Alberta la Grup and the rest of the workers that make up this complete puzzle in which everything fits together perfectly.

  • PA’s WORLD

    Luxury, lifestyle, curiosities... In this section you will find news about the world of lifestyle management and the companies that work around this world. Everything that surrounds the PA universe.



    Founder: Lourdes Carbó

    Editorial Coordinator: Maria José Núnez Garrido

    Emily Benton (Translation)
    Elena Castelló (Editing)
    Claudia Schmidt (Art & Design)