PA Culture



Attitude: The way a state of mind manifests itself. So how to Personal Angels show this kind of behaviour? Simply, with ATTITUDE, which is none other than being proactive, discreet, efficient and with thesavoir fairof doing things well and always aiming to achieve excellence.


Without ATTITUDE there is no Personal Angel. Attitude is intrinsic to this profession, in addition, of course, to a sound knowledge base from training and subsequent experience.

How does a Lifestyle Management professional ‘act’? Why is this attitude essential? It is for several clear reasons: the first is that we are working for others so using our own tools and being true to ourselves, we must adopt a certain behaviour in favour of our client’s tastes and requirements. The next argument is that our goal is and will be to achieve excellence. Therefore, the right ATTITUDE must dwell within us, with perfect focus and ability to achieve the objectives we have set ourselves. And last but not least, it is knowing how to maintain a good temper at all times, as it is not easy to manage lives as complex as those of people with high net worth, with residences in different parts of the world, and a family life to fit in. A Personal Angel must know how to manage their free leisure time in balance and harmony.

Therefore, we do not speak of ATTITUDE in a general way, but believe that this will be the main driver of all the other mechanisms that a Personal Angel uses to carry out his or her task.


Attitudes are more important than aptitudes

(Winston Churchill)


Photo: Brett Jordan (@brett_jordan) Unsplash

Translation: Emily Benton





Actitud… Esa disposición de ánimo manifestada de alguna manera. Así se define… ¿Y cómo se muestra esa tendencia de comportamiento en un Personal Angel? Sencillamente, con LA ACTITUD, que no es otra que siendo proactivo, discreto, eficiente y con ese ‘savoir fair’ de estar haciendo bien las cosas, siempre con el fin de alcanzar la excelencia.


Sin LA ACTITUD podemos asegurar que no hay Personal Angel. Es intrínseca la actitud al hecho de ejercer esta profesión, además, por supuesto, de una buena base fundamentada en la formación y la experiencia posterior.

¿De qué modo ‘actúa’ el profesional del Lifestyle Management? ¿Por qué es esencial ese talante? Por diversas y claras razones: la primera sería que estamos trabajando para otros. Con lo cual, utilizando nuestras propias herramientas y siendo fieles a nosotros mismos, debemos adoptar una conducta determinada en favor de los gustos y requerimientos de nuestro cliente. El siguiente argumento es que nuestra meta es y será conseguir la excelencia. Con lo cual, LA ACTITUD ha de habitar en nuestro interior, con una perfecta concentración y habilidad para alcanzar los objetivos que se nos hayan marcado. Y por último -y no menos importante- es saber mantener ese ‘temple’ en todo momento, pues no es sencillo gestionar vidas tan complejas como las de personas con elevados patrimonios, con residencias en diferentes partes del mundo, y una vida familiar a la que hacer hueco, sabiendo gestionar sus ratos libres de ocio en equilibrio y armonía.

Por ello, no hablamos de LA ACTITUD de una manera banal, sino que afirmamos que ésta será la que desplegará -como un gran abanico- todo el resto de mecanismos que emplea un Personal Angel para llevar a cabo su cometido.


“Las actitudes son más importantes que las aptitudes”

(Winston Churchill)


Foto: Brett Jordan (@brett_jordan) | Comunidad de fotos de Unsplash


  • PA Culture

    PA Culture is an e-Magazine created by Alberta La Grup and The Lifestyle Institute in their desire to give a voice to the culture of Lifestyle Management and the profession of Personal Angel, as well as everything that happens around their field of work. Our aim is to raise awareness of the figure of the Personal Angel (PA) as a professional expert in lifestyle management, working for the elite and with a combination of multiple skills and abilities brought together in the same person.


    Through our articles, interviews, news and reflections, we will highlight the different points of view of the people who make up this universe: their training, experience, curiosities, employment opportunities, community and guidance, their roles and different perspectives. Join us and get ready to fly... always high!


    In this space you will find interviews and reflections from our professional team: from the faculty members of The Lifestyle Institute's Postgraduate Course to our team of Personal Angels from Alberta la Grup and the rest of the workers that make up this complete puzzle in which everything fits together perfectly.

  • PA’s WORLD

    Luxury, lifestyle, curiosities... In this section you will find news about the world of lifestyle management and the companies that work around this world. Everything that surrounds the PA universe.



    Founder: Lourdes Carbó

    Editorial Coordinator: Maria José Núnez Garrido

    Emily Benton (Translation)
    Elena Castelló (Editing)
    Claudia Schmidt (Art & Design)